a white letter e on a red background
Our Mission:
To Glorify God by being people of integrity and faithful stewardship. To leave a positive influence on all who come in contact with us.

Mission Statement Broken Down


  • Cultivate a work environment that fosters personal and professional growth, where each team member is valued respected and has the opportunity, the resources to grow as a leader both individually and professionally.

  • Encourage a culture of honesty, transparency, and collaboration, rooted in the principles of integrity.

  • Encourage an atmosphere of vulnerability, where acknowledging and learning from internal mistakes takes precedence over concealing them or assigning blame to others.

  • Celebrate achievements, improvements, and the attainment of goals. Our commitment is to acknowledge and appreciate the positives as much as we do the challenges. By doing so, we foster a culture that values continuous improvement and recognizes the collective efforts of our team


  • Provide exceptional customer service by understanding and anticipating the unique needs of our clients.

  • Being known for our quickness in responding to clients needs. Whether that being a price quote, a job being completed within. requested timeline, or just answering the phone, or responding to an email. A goal is that you would always hear from us within 45 minutes (during business hours) of reaching out.

  • Keeping our commitments. A hand shake, or a simple "yes, we can do it" from us should always be trusted.

  • Deliver high-quality printing solutions with precision, creativity, and a commitment to exceeding customer expectation


  • Uphold the utmost ethical standards in every facet of our business interactions. In both small and larger issues.

  • Always representing  financial numbers accurately, whether in an invoice, sales tax, financial statements, inventory, etc... 

It is important to Recognize that as imperfect individuals, we acknowledge the inevitability of occasional failures. Nevertheless, our unwavering commitment is to learn from these experiences and strive continually to grow, aspiring to reflect the qualities and values exemplified in the person of Christ. Approach these goals with a certain level of humility and grace, extending these virtues to ourselves and others.

At Execuprint, it is our policy not to print materials for the cannabis industry. We hold this stance because we believe it contradicts our personal convictions regarding drug usage. We understand that drug usage can potentially lead to addiction and provide a temporary, unfulfilling sense of happiness. While we acknowledge the medicinal applications of cannabis, our primary concern lies with its recreational use.

We approach our stance on the cannabis industry with humility, recognizing that differing opinions exist and that our perspective is shaped by personal experiences and convictions. Our family has been involved with an organization that assists those dealing with addiction, providing us with firsthand insight into the pain it can cause individuals and their loved ones.

We understand that not everyone who uses marijuana is addicted to it, and we acknowledge the ongoing discussions on the subject by experts. However, as a family-owned business striving to live out our biblical convictions, especially before our children, we believe it's best for us not to print materials for the cannabis industry.

Our decision is not about claiming superiority or judgment but about aligning our business practices with our values. We seek understanding and respect from those who may hold different views while remaining committed to operating our business in a manner consistent with our principles.

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